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Hi guys

I have prepared this tutorial for users that are using AutoCAD for the first timeso if this is your case welcome to my lessons. I hope you will learn something 

here and especially gain motivation to start working in AutoCADas you may noticed, this version is AutoCAD 2013 however if you have another version this will not be a 

problem because even different versions can change a bit the layout or the newest ones have more features all the basic and main things are mostly the same for example 

if you can work in AutoCAD 2005 it will not be too difficult to get used to AutoCAD 2016 or 17 for example and this is because a special characteristic of AutoCad is 

that we can start any action by typing the command name with the keyboard for example if I want to draw a line I can type LINE, and this with activate the 

command if i type options I will open the panel of options so its very simple if I hold my mouse pointer over any icon i t appears there a small box with 

a briefely explanation of this tool in this case its the multi line text and this word below is the command name so if i know it I can activate this action by 

inserting the name with the keyboard so the name of the commands are the same for all versions of course its possible that exists any exception and also some of 

them have been experiencing improvements all over the timeok now Im going to talk about the work spaceand how I can use the mouse and its buttons its 

possible that it seems a bit confusing at the beginning but dont worry because you will get used easily this cross is our mouse indicator and it has exactly this 

shape when we don't have any command active so the most common way to go to different sections of the drawing is using the mouse wheel if I scroll up, I can zoom 

in and if I scroll down, I zoom outto move the workspace just click and hold the well and slide it if you are familiar with Google Maps this works as the same way so 

it will be easy for you if you click anywhere with the right button this will open this panel here there are several options that you can choose the 

left button is used for selection if I want to select from the left to the right the selected area will appear as blue and I have to cover all my line if I just 

cover a part it will not be selected (as you can see here)but if I open the selection from the right to the left the selection area will be green and if I just touch 

the line it will be selected for cancel the selection just click on esc now i will start teaching you to draw in Autocad i will introduce you the command 

LINE this is the most basic tool and will be probably the one you will use most of time to draw a line I can go to the home panel on the top and click on 

the icon LINE with the left button another option is typing LINE with the keyboard and click ENTER if you look to the command bar, 

you can see that I have the command LINE active also the mouse indicator has changed now it does't have the square in the middle that appears in this 

form when i use any drawing tools you can find them in this panel to start drawing I can just click somewhere here to enter the first point and click again where I want 

the second point for example, here now I can enter a second line but i can type ESC to cancel the command ok, so we have drawn a line however it was without 

any specific dimension and direction and this is not going to be useful for usI want to show you how to insert a horizontal line with dimension 1000 for now the units 

does't matter i will show you how to edit them later if i type ENTER now I activate the command LINE again this is because it was the last 

command I have been using and its very useful for repeatedly actions I click to insert the first point and im going to drag to the right here appeared this 

dashed green line and saying here POLAR this means that my line will be horizontal now i will type 1000 and type ENTER this line is completely 

horizontal and specified as 1000 to be possible to draw completely horizontal or vertical lines we need the POLAR MODE on now i will deactivated it which 

is here at the bottom, to show you what will happen I will draw another line now and as you see, the dashed line is not there and even if I try to draw it as horizontal 

as possible it will be for sure a little bit out of the place for this reason, I strongly recommend you to have the POLAR MODE on if you need to do lots of 

horizontal and vertical LINES to draw only orthogonal lines I can switch on the ORTHO MODE which is this button next to the polar mode drawing a 

line again So, I click for my first point and the cursor only lets me to draw a vertical or horizontal line so i will type now 100 now 200 and 

then I continue drawing this will be 100.I will draw another line I can draw how many lines as I want when i finish i simply click. ESC this last 

one I have to make it 100 to match the line below So, the last thing I will teach you about the command LINE is to draw a line with a specified 

angle i will draw first an horizontal line and the next one, I want to draw it with length 200 now if I type the button TAB I can specify the 

angle that i want i will put for example 30 degrees and click enter to place it so in this next section i will explain you how to set up and edit units One thing 

I recommend is drawing with scale 1:1 I mean if you want to draw a line with one meter of length draw it with the real length and not with 1 cm for example thats 

because its easier to not get confused and you only need to scale the drawing when you will plot it now if you look to the bottom left corner you can see the 

coordinates of the mouse pointer and of course, the first one is , the second Y and the third one is Z and this is always zero

 because we are working in 2 dal so this point is where my coordinates are all 0 now i am going to set up my units I will type units and press ENTER to open this panel here

 were says length I can choose the type of that I want in my case I use decimal units but I know in some countries is common to use the architectural or 

engineering units in the precision, you have all these options to choose and in this side, you can choose the type of angle units I will choose decimal degrees in the 

insertion scale we will choose the units that we want if you use standard units but those are just used for conversion when we want to insert a block or an external 

image just for drawing, that units don't matter thats because AutoCAD has a dimensionless system of measurement we only need to put the scale when we need to 

print now I want to show you a common issue especially when we are using millimeters we notice that our workspace is not very wide but this is simple to solve if I 

draw a very long line like for example 100,000 mm of course it will not fit in the drawing but i am going to type Z for zoom I press Enter and 

now I type A for all as you see, my workspace is much larger now in this part I will show you a very basic tool that will help us to draw with precision its 

the object snap in the screen you can see these lines that you may know how to draw if you have followed these tutorials from the beginning so i am going 

to activate the command line and if i drop the pointer through the lines you can see these green symbols appearing there these points are from the object snap and they 

help me to draw with precision for example the square indicates an endpoint of one of the lines if i click here the start point of the new line will be precisely from 

the corner I will show you what happens when I have the object snap off so i would try to draw a line from this corner and now if i zoom in you can see that 

there is a gap these things can make your drafting unprecise and for large projects the objects may not match now i am going to show you how to choose the object 

snap points we have to type OSNAP to open the settings here, I can activate the modes that I need in this tutorial i will show you how to use some of 

them i will start with the ENDPOINT as I showed you before it appears in the extremities of the lines and arcs the MIDPOINT is useful when you 

want to draw from the middle of an object the CENTER only applies for circles and ellipses and to detect these points you have to touch the border of the 

circle without clicking for the ellipse is the same the INTERSECTION is obviously when you want to detect the point of intersection of two lines the 

EXTENSION appears for example when you click on the ENDPOINT and you drag the pointer in the same direction of your line now the 

PERPENDICULAR this is a little bit tricky I am going to draw a line from here and now, I have to touch the line that I want to assume as my reference I drag 

the mouse to find the perpendicular line so here it is. I can just type the length to draw it now I want to draw a line from the same point,to the perpendicular 

intersection of this line I highlighted here here when I drag the new line towards the line i highlighted I find this sign that indicates the perpendicular point of 

my future intersection I click there and i have my new line, orthogonal with this another PARALLEL mode If you want to draw a parallel line just click here

 for example drag the mouse over the line i want to make it parallel to detect it one last thing i want to explain here, is the object snap tracking this is 

really useful if i want to put the first point of a new line at 50 mm to the right from another I will touch the endpoint of my line and drag slowly to the right i will 

l type 50 to insert the first point of the new line so here it is of course, I can do the same to other direction now i will show you to the left side this 

time i will insert the distance of 100 and I can draw this line here one last thing about the object snap I recommend you to only activate the

 modes you are going to use in the project because if you activate every thing this can be a bit confusing sometimes with the green signs appearing every where how does 

the other drawing tools work if you go to the drawing section on the top you can find there are a lot of commands and there are some more if you click here as this is 

a tutorial for beginners I will only show you how to use some of them POLY-LINES, RECTANGLES, CIRCLES and ARCS I think these are the most used and enough for beginners 

in AutoCAD I will show you how to use the command POLY-LINE a poly-line is basically a group of lines all connected to each other to draw a poly-line we can 

click in this button or we can also type with the keyboard: poly-line or simply pl and click enter as you can see, this is the same

 process of drawing lines Im drawing as much lines as i need and when i finish i can click ESC or if I want to join with the first point of the 

poly-line i can type cl that means close so the main characteristic when I draw a polyline is that I select all these lines together because 

they are considered only one object if I want to draw a rectangle I can still use poly-line but if i click in the command rectangle it is 

easier that is because, first I click to insert the start point and then, I only need to insert the coordinates of the opposite corner for example if I want a rectangle 

with dimension 300 per 500 first I will type 300 then, I press TAB and finally 500 so as you see, for rectangles is faster doing this

 way now, i will show you how to draw a circle you can click on this icon here or you can type circle or it is very simple first, I click to 

insert the center for example, here and now I will insert the radius of the circlefor example 250 and press enter so its done now if you go to the 

drawing panel and click in this arrow you can choose the way how you want to insert the circle for example you can choose first the center and insert the diameter you 

can draw a circle by inserting two or three points or also by putting tangents so if you want you can you can play around with this because its easy to learn if 

i want to draw an arc I can click on the icon above or I can simply type a with the keyword I click to insert a first point now I will put a second point and 

now the third point at the beginning it may be a little bit difficult to draw an arc but with practice you ll get used to it also, like the circle if you click in 

the arrow you can choose the points that you want to insert for drawing the arc as you see, you have here several options ok, now that you know how to use these 

commands you can play around with them and also discover the other drawing tools so its all in this video dont forget to subscribe if you want to watch the 

complete list of tutorials well thank you very much for watching this video and i hope to see you soon

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