Short Forms Commonly Used In Civil Engineering , Architectural and all Engineering Department

Hey Guys In this blog We will be Checking out the Short Forms Commonly used In Civil Engineering and Architectural Field

Short Forms Commonly Used In Civil Engineering , Architectural and all Engineering Department ,civil engineering

F.A – Fine Aggregate (sand)

F.C – False Ceiling

F.F.L – Finished Floor Level

F.M – Fineness Modulus

F.O.L – Fuel, Oil & Lubricants

F.O.R – Free on Oil

F.R.P – Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic

F.T – Floor Trap

F.T.L – Fluorescent Tube Light

G.C.C – General Condition of Contract

G.F.C Drg – Good for Construction Drawing

G.F.L – Ground Floor Level

G.I – Glavanized Iron

G.L – Ground Level

G.L.S Lamp – General Lighting Service Lamp

G.F.R.C – Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

G.T – Gulty Trap

M.B – Measurement Book

M.C– Moisture Content

M.C.B – Miniature Circuit Breaker

M.C.C – Motor Control Centre

M.C.C.B – Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

M.D.Cover – Medium Density Fibre Board

M.D.F. Board – Medium Density Fibre Board

M.G – Medium Guage

M.I – Moment Of Inertia

M.O – Masonry Opening

M.O.U – Memorandum of Understanding

M.R.P – Manufacturer Retail Price

M.S – Mild Steel

M.S.L – Mean Sea Level

M.W.C – Meters of Water Column

L.B – Lintel Beam

L..C.C – Lean Cement Concrete

L.D – Liquidity Damages

L.D Cover – Light Duty Cover

L.D.P.E – Low Density Polythene

L.L – Live Load, Liquid Limit

L.L.D.P.E – Linear Low Density Polythene

L.O.I – Letter of Intent

L.P.D – Liters Per Day

L.T. CABLE – Low Tension Cable

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